Final part 1 of 2
Computer Class
Class / Self Evaluation
During my time in computer class I have liked being able to learn new things about computers and the internet. I liked learning how to use word and also how to use blogger and finally how to type faster. I feel like I can now apply this to everyday life and also I enjoy learning new information. I liked being able to search up medical career pathways and writing about them. It helped my find out about the different medical jobs available and now I can know how to be one of them. What I didn't like about the class was that it was very repetitive. Other than that I really enjoyed the class. Suggestions for class would be to do something different every now and then to make it less repetitive. I feel like I did good in this class but I know I could've done a lot better. I need to do what is expected of me and also do more than that. I need to surpass expectation. I am committed to being a CTR person. I try my hardest everyday to becoming a CTR person and always doing the right thing. I feel if I choose the right then I will become more successful in life. Overall I've enjoyed this Computer Class.