Thursday, March 31, 2016

“I won't cheat.”-Dale Murphy

What this means to me is that you should never cheat in life. You should never cheat whether it for test, sports, money, games, etc. You should always choose the right and be honest. If you choose to cheat you may get caught and suffer the consequences. If you choose to be honest you will prosper in life. If you choose to cheat on a sport and get caught then you can forfeit the game. If you get caught cheating in school then you could get in trouble and get a low grade. If you choose to be honest then you will prosper.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

“Character Matters Most”-Dale Murphy
What this quote means to me is that what matters most in life is good character. If you have a good character than you will succeed and prosper in life. Whereas if you choose to have bad character than you will be miserable and have a bad life. Having good character makes you a better person to other people. It gives you life changing opportunities. You can be very successful if you choose to do the right thing. If you choose not to then you will be miserable and have a bad life.
Spring Break

What I did for spring break was watch movies and sleep. I also went to the park and practiced trumpet with my music teacher. Another place I went was to Golden Corral as a special occasion because it was for my birthday. I also was doing a lot of extra credit for many of my classes. I watched a lot of movies such as Forest Gump, Across the Universe, Life of Pi, Drumline, Stand and Deliver, Dear Zachary,etc. I didn't really meet anyone new during the break I just talked to a lot of old friends and neighbors. I didn't watch or play any sports during the break. As for ctr experiences I read my journal and completed some of the goals I had. I re-read many of my old books such as Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines, The Fault in Our Stars, etc. Mostly John Green books. I also got to watch some of his crash course videos on youtube along with many other youtubers. I did a music therapy assignment for Ms Davis during the break for extra credit and also a documentary. Other than that I didn't really do much during the break other than watch youtube and relax. 

youtube and relax.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Music is something that helps express myself freely. I listen to music as a way to lose my self in the moment and forget everything and let my problems go. Music is my passion and its always ran in the family. My family have always music as a way to relax or let go of current problems. They make music their career and they are successful at it. Whether its composing it or making a beat they do anything involved with music. I like to listen to all types of music whether its rap, hip hop, rock, metal, oldies, blues, opera, etc. I like to read the lyrics to actually feel and hear what the person is saying. Some people just like the beat and that's good but they don't even know what the artist is even trying to say. I feel that music is a way for people to say what they feel and what they've been through while still being able to entertain people. Good music is much more than a good voice and a catchy beat. Its about the words,the truth,what they say in every verse or the chorus. These singers, rappers, etc are poets with a catchy beat. Its all about the rhyme and rhythm. Music is my life and is my way and form of expression. It is my exit and release. That's at helps me through my day and what I plan to do for a living. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly"-Otto Graham, Jr. 

What this quote means to me is that any time you choose to do something you should stop and ask yourself if what your about to do is good or bad. If its good than you should do it. If its bad then don't do it because there will be negative consequences. If you know you shouldn't be doing something then don't do it because there will always be negative consequences to be bad choices in life. On the other hand if you choose to do the right thing then you will be rewarded in life and always be happy. Doing the wrong thing leads to repercussions and a miserable life. Doing the right thing in life leads to good things in life and success and rewards. For example, if you do drugs there will be negative consequences such as getting sick, dying, or getting caught. Another one is ditching school the negative consequences are not learning, getting in trouble, and maybe even punished. If you choose to do the right you will be rewarded. You always have to have in mind the thing and choices you choose to do every single day of your life and act accordingly on it. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

"Act well your part, there all honor lies."-Alexander Pope

What this quote means to me is that to always do your best. To always study and never lie. To always be respectful and never choose the wrong. If you choose the right then you will be rewarded if you choose to do the wrong then you will always be miserable and have a bad life. Dont Lu do end up lying then confess about your lie instead of having people realize you are lying. If you choose the right then everyone will trust you and you will have a happy life. If you choose the wrong then you will never be trusted and you will have a miserable life.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company"-George Washington

What this quote means to me is that it is better to not have friends then to associate yourself with a bad crowd. It is better this way because the bad crowd could drag you down in life and will ruin future opportunities for you. For example if you do drugs with your "friends" and you get caught then you will have a record. Then one day in the future your gonna want to get a job and the boss will see that you as a teenager were caught doing drugs. Its better to not have done something bad all because of some people you probably wont talk to in the future. Its better to not have your whole career ruined all because of some dumb decision you chose to do with your "friend" as a kid. 

Nursing Home Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities:

Nursing Home Administrators take care of the medically and critically ill. They are in charge of a nursing facility and they control the facility. Depending on the facility size they manage budgets, the staff, operations, and departments. The administrator foresees every department.

Salary:  $65,000-$90,000 annually


  • Hold a bachelor's degree

  • Hold a master's degree in nursing home administration or related health administration field

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

"Right is right only when entire"-Victor Hugo

What this quote means to me is that when you tell a truth your supposed to tell the whole truth otherwise its a lie. You choose the wrong when you choose to only say half the truth when you know your supposed to be the right thing and telling the whole truth. You should always tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. When you tell half the truth then it always ends up coming back to you and if people find out then they will not like you. People who know that you like to tell lies will never trust and you and never believe you when you tell them the whole truth. So its always better to tell the whole truth as oppose to only half of the truth. Half of the truth will get you into problems and when you choose to tell the whole truth then you are choosing the right.